Welcome to the realm of Yizhou Liu, an observer, a curious spirit, and a person who believe getting up in the morning every day is the best thing that could ever happen in life.

“The realization that life is absurd and cannot be an end, but only a beginning. This is a truth nearly all great minds have taken as their starting point. It is not this discovery that is interesting, but the consequences and rules of action drawn from it.”


Those That Influence How I Think

oooooohmygosh, a Chinese influencer who makes innovative videos about design; His webpage link on Bilibili platform(Youtube’s Chinese equivalent)

Gunn Enli, Professor in Media Studies at University of Oslo; The author of Mediated Authenticity

Peter L. Berger & Thomas Luckmann, author of The Social Construction of Reality

Noel Gallagher, the songwriter of British rock band Oasis; The Meaning of Life: Noel Gallagher – YouTube




Yizhou Liu
